6x Landscaper Business in 3 Easy Steps

We work with a lot of companies and almost all of them get great results but it’s not common that we have such a dramatic improvement in such a short time like Mr. Lundy did. What did he say? I think it was 69 estimates in 21 days. Sheesh…

It really was the perfect storm which led up to this landscaping contractor multiplying the estimates he was sending out by 6x in the weeks following the launch of his new website. The purpose of this article is to shine some light on how and why this happened so other landscapers can learn from it and prosper. Also, it makes my team look really good.

Let’s start in the beginning. Aaron Lundy has been in the landscaping business for about a year. He set out to provide top level service and had built a reputation for himself in his rural community. This is key point number one: rural community.

Most marketers try to focus on big cites with large populations but I think that’s dumb. Why would you want to enter the fray with such thick competition? I would much rather try to win a game that hardly anyone else is playing and those that are playing it barely know the rules. What I’m saying is this: Our rural clients quickly dominate their markets because there’s no real competition.

So, Lundy lives in a rural community, but what else contributed to his success? The second critical piece of information comes from his website. The new website, that is. If you look at his new website and compare it to his old one, you’ll see there is now about 40x as much content as there used to be. There are unique pages for each type of landscaping service he offers and enough text to accurately explain to prospective customers what exactly these services do and do not include.

Wait a second. “40x as much content sounds like a lot. I’m not a writer!”

It’s okay, don’t fret. There was almost no content on his old website so multiplying it by 40x brought it up to a reasonable amount. (See Youtube videos for more details on this)

This is the key: Have a lot of content. “Okay, thanks Chuck.” I can already hear them saying. “But how much is a lot?”

A lot of content = enough for Google’s search engine robots to understand what your company is about. Google understands text above all else so it is critical that your website has enough of it! You wouldn’t believe how many people ask me why their website isn’t showing up on Google and when I go there it’s only a logo and a phone number. “How the hell is Google supposed to understand what your company does if you don’t tell them?” Am I being too forceful? I’m just really passionate about Google so give me a break. I want you to win, damnit!

Okay, so far we have two nuggets of wisdom:

  1. Rural areas are easier to dominate than highly populated areas when it comes to marketing.
  2. A website with enough text content will win over one without enough text content.

So what is the final piece of this puzzle? How did Aaron Lundy explode his business in such a short amount of time? The answer lies on the top of Google Search in a little square box I like to call Google Maps.

Google Maps is Google’s way of showing people search results in their local area. It’s usually found at the top of Google Search right underneath the ads that people pay an arm and leg for. The best thing about it is it’s free!

It’s pretty easy to get too. I have a free pdf guide that will walk you through the process of getting your listing set up properly so that people will find it online and call you. It’s really valuable so check it out.

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Find out how to get leads with your Google Business Listing

So, there you have it. A three step method for blowing up your landscaping business with new customers. Perhaps there is more to it than I could address in a short article, but this is a great start. If you’re interested in learning more, head over to my Youtube Channel and check out some of the videos I’ve done about this. I also do occasional webinars where I go into depth on this stuff and even answer your questions on the fly. There are no secrets here. I’m happy to share. The only catch is that you have to ask.

Finally, there’s a small private Facebook group you can join if you want to have on-demand access to my team and I. For now, the group is small and nobody uses it so if you go there and ask us questions it will be like getting free consulting from a group of people that charge 100’s of dollars per hour for their time. Where can you find a better deal than that?

With all the insane value I’m dropping in this article, you have no excuse not to win. The only thing that can hold you back at this point is you. So, get out of your own way and go kick some ass!

“Godspeed my renegade angel.” – Jose A.

What do you have to say about this?

Charles Kile

General Contractor at Kile Construction LLC
in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Owner of Adapt Digital Solutions.

Charles Kile

Director of Marketing and Lead Gen at Adapt Digital Solutions.

Partner at NL Kile Construction LLC 

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